Sunday, 14 November 2010

Progression of the quickest order

Well i have had a concerted effort to get the layout to a reasonable stage  recently as things are slowly coming along  tortoise point motors remain to be fitted  and as does the top half of the loop towards the fiddle yard  but the bottom half remains  almost complete with the board joint being  in place prior to slitting across the joints and wiring will then commence in full flow  hopefully by Christmas day I will be able to run trains on this board and across on to what is board 2 of 3 .

There has always been an aspiration to capture  something of the ravenglass and eskdale railway  in this layout and i am feeling that these photos  show that  slightly reminiscent of  beckfoot halt
Could one day we see a model of  the Powerful yet pleasing 2-8-2 "River Mite"
 or perhaps a little bit of minature railway history  with  a model of River Irt the 0-8-2 Formerly owned by the Heywood family now running in eskdale.

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Not so rapid action....

Well the last few months  have passed and not much progress has happened until the past two weeks various items have been acquired including all the point-work and track for the first two sections that will Be on show next October at the lancashire and yorkshire DCC group show i then plan to extend the layout for its next booked outing . various items of stock are being built as time permits most of the construction has been round creating the landscape from layers of 2" insulation foam  this is a time consuming process  and I'm keen to get it right.
photos will be uploaded in due course.

Sunday, 27 June 2010

Rapid Action .

After the boards where compleated  plans where then drawn up to procede and various things alterd this week i went shopping and purchased some insulation board   this has been cut into a smaller manageble sheet sixe and some has been affixed to the layout as land form material and been coverd with plaster  the other section  is awaiting  plastering.
some track has been laid notably a headshunt and associated point work  point control is by standard peco point motors and A capacitor discharge unit built  centrally into the power unit. hopefully this "mainline board" will be completed  ready for marrying up to the main station board this week and then  it may  be possible to run a engine and just see how it operates and wether there is need for improvements the other scenic work is going to be left untill a later date.

Here the knightwing diesel is seen next to a 0 gauge  coal waggon this gives some idea of the size of the stock and allso the landforms.

Monday, 21 June 2010

That was the longest day that was!

Well Finally today  i managed to get into my days workshop and build the second scenic board  for the layout .
below is a photo of the boards with some track loosely laid to give a idea how it will be  im hoping that i can also put a few different animated features  hidden over the layout but less of them until later....

the turntable is a peco N gauge product  modified by narrowing the deck and removing  the 2mm scale detailing  some other items will be added to disguise what its roots are but its a good start. I'm now looking at the possibility of either a mine in 0.14  under the main layout or a dock area in the far left hand corner of the photo.

Thursday, 17 June 2010

Where does time go!

well its been a while since i last wrote here so i better update you all progress is slow at present as other duties are more pressing the baseboards  still haven't been put together as workshop space is tight at the moment and I'm awaiting a delivery of peco track and a few more sets of points.

Above is my main distraction  90733 at the keighley and worth valley railway is seen heading towards oakworth

Sunday, 16 May 2010

The People asked the people get!

As a member of  i have documented the layout over there for a time however  i am not ofay with how to upload photographs on there so this blog was created  so that  photos can be uploaded so here we go .

The two coaches are Avalon line products and are  part of a rake of six that will be required  as the main service  rake with a shorter rake of Other coaches  running in a relief  path capacity .
Above the 2-6-2 tank engine as built by Myself and Colin peake  of shifting sands fame another engine of this size is planned along with a model of  the ravenglass and Eskdale railways Bonnie Dundee. i am planning to repaint this engine into a British railways Green livery as i feel this would be more pleasing to the eye.

Here is  what i consider one of the biggest locomotives in the fleet
a model of the Early ravenglass and eskdale railway Diesel/petrol engine ICL1
it is far from finished and as most things in modeling are often considered this way i consider it  very much a work in progress

News of the layout will be posted shortly a  large power supply has been purchased this  has a in built capacitor discharge unit  two controlled outputs for the track  one 12 volt output for ancillary  items such as lights etc and a nine volt output too this is very heavy duty and came from Parkside Railways of miniature railway fame.

All the best and If anyone has any questions  feel free to ask away

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

A introduction

well I'm new to blogging so i think i better introduce myself I'm Jordan and i live in deepest Lancashire im a active volunteer at the keighley and worth valley railway and a committee member of the Friends of the miniature railway museum trust. i have interests in many different scales but at the moment I'm modeling solely to 7mm scale to represent a 15" gauge railway of the likes of the railways at ravenglass and at cleethorpes .

Now to introduce the layout ,
The layout is called The Red scar and Whites railway and it is a 09 layout the board size is 18 inches by roughly four foot for board one and board two is a transition board of 18 by 2ft wide board three is a 4ft by 2ft all are 9mm mdf and are held in a framework of 5" by 1 1/4 redwood to stand the knocks of future show usage.

stock wise the majority of the coaches are from the Avalon line ranges and the locomotives are a mixture of scratch built and heavily modified items.